A Sucess story à la Française.We are going to tell you the story of the brand Chipote pas : the coolest swimwears brand for the kids you could ever imagine. A story which resumes our mission, nothing but giving you a better seaside universe, we are going to unveile their secrets.Filled with creativity forward thinking, she has given life to her creation. The main ambition of the brands is to break the rules for the children’s swimsuits, and to bring in some innovations, exclusives designs and the quality control at it’s best.The aim is to make the parents even the grand parents but above all the childrens to fall in love with her swimwears.
A Sucess story à la Française.We are going to tell you the story of the brand Chipote pas : the coolest swimwears brand for the kids you could ever imagine. A story which resumes our mission, nothing but giving you a better seaside universe, we are going to unveile their secrets.Filled with creativity forward thinking, she has given life to her creation. The main ambition of the brands is to break the rules for the children’s swimsuits, and to bring in some innovations, exclusives designs and the quality control at it’s best.The aim is to make the parents even the grand parents but above all the childrens to fall in love with her swimwears.

The Classic Tutu Dress Collection